For RPT Candidates We Track
Hours by Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3
150 hours of play therapy instruction and recommended Play Therapy Primary Areas.
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For SB-RPT Candidates We Track
150 hours of Play Therapy Instruction and recommended Play Therapy Primary areas
Supervision by an RPT-S for no less than one (1) school year
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For RPT-S Candidates We Track
Supervisor training in APT’s required core content areas
Hours by Play Therapy Consultant / Supervisor
Training Certificates, Transcripts, and Clinical Licenses
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It Is Simple To Get Started!

Select which play therapy credential you want

We help track RPT, SB-RPT or RPT-S credential requirements offered by the Association for Play Therapy (APT).

Create an account with your email and a password

Print your play therapy application, training certificates, and supporting documents.

Print your auto-populated application when you are done!

Print your play therapy application, training certificates, and supporting documents.

Simplify the Play Therapy Credential Process!

Our Process
We track

the credential requirements each step of the way!

We track

the breakdown of the instructional requirements and contact hours vs. non-contact hours

We track

the correct ratio of individual and group supervision hours, and observations by supervisor

We track

the rules and give you alerts to follow them

We track

the correct ratio of individual and group supervision hours, and observations by supervisor

We track

when your supervisor must sign your supervision forms and send them automatic reminders

Our Process
Our Process
Print and sign

the auto-populated application and your attachments to the Association for Play Therapy!

Know exactly where you are in the play therapy credential process!

Take the guess work out of how many play therapy hours you have!


APT Conference Special Pricing

1 Year

Full access to the

Play Therapy Tracker for 1 year

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2 Years

Full access to the

Play Therapy Tracker for 2 years

Buy Now
we are here to help!


Designed for play therapists by a Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor™


Registered Play Therapist™ (RPT™)


School-Based Registered Play Therapist™ (SB-RPT™)


Registered Play Therapist – Supervisor™ (RPT-S™)

Frequently Answered Questions

Have a question? Check out our frequently asked questions to find your answer.

Designed by an RPT-S™, our Play Therapy Tracker simplifies a very complex process for you. Using our play therapy tracker will save you time and increase your confidence that you are meeting the credential requirements correctly. Let us do the work so you have more time to play!.

Yes. We designed our play therapy tracker to be self-guided and user-friendly, but we have training videos available for you to watch. You can also sign up for one of our training webinars.

Yes. We designed our play therapy tracker to be self-guided and user-friendly, but we have training videos available for you to watch. You can also sign up for one of our training webinars.

Yes. The forms populated by our Play Therapy Tracker are the forms required by the Association for Play Therapy (APT)

Yes. You can easily edit or delete hours after you have entered them into the software.

Yes. We not only track each phase, but we also help you keep track of the start and end dates of each phase so that there is no overlap between the dates.